The firm is 22 years old and founded by three eminent engineers of North west Frontier Province of Pakistan. It embarked upon its professional ventures with identification, design and construction supervision of small and medium dams in the difficult Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Within two years of its existence it became a joint venture Partners with Pakistani and two major European firms. This joint venture lasted for sixteen long years during which it executed two projects worth over 2.4 million US Dollars. BAK during its work on the first of the two projects developed the concept and did bulk of the feasibility of an 81 MW Hydroelectric Project (Malakand-III). Later BAK played the leading role in doing its feasibility study and was solely responsible for its basic concept formulations, detail design and construction supervision. The project is now operational and was approved for a cost of 88 million US Dollars. The firm also played a significant role in Pehur High Level Canal project. The firm is presently doing numerous works one of which is 27000 acres Bazai Irrigation Scheme which it conceived, did its feasibility and detail design and now ready to supervise its construction as it is an approved work. BAK is also engaged in feasibility study and detail design of 12 No small dams in Tribal areas of Pakistan.


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